UNSC : English

Guiding global security, the UN Security Council wields immense power to resolve conflicts, deploy peacekeepers, impose sanctions, and even authorize force. This guardian of international peace stands ever vigilant, weaving a tapestry of stability across the world.

UNGA : English

The UN General Assembly, a global parliament of 193 voices, stitches peace, tackles challenges, and champions human rights through resolutions, elections, and dialogue, weaving a web of progress for the world.

CTED : English

The Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), an expert arm of the UN, tackles terrorism head-on by providing countries with vital knowledge, monitoring their progress, and building their capabilities in areas like law, finance, and border security. This global counter-terrorism force works tirelessly to keep the world safe.

UNICEF : English

UNICEF, the world's champion for children, works tirelessly in over 190 countries to save lives, defend rights, and unleash potential. From providing life saving vaccines and education to advocating for justice and protecting children in emergencies, UNICEF is a relentless force for good, ensuring every child has a chance to thrive.

UN WOMEN : English

UN Women stands tall as the global champion for gender equality. This UN powerhouse fuels progress by driving policies, programs, and standards that empower women and girls worldwide. They fight for equal leadership, end violence, strengthen economies, and ensure every woman and girl reaches her full potential, paving the way for a more just and thriving world..

WHO : English

Guarding global health with tireless vigilance, the World Health Organization (WHO) stands as humanity's doctor. It connects nations, partners, and people to promote well-being, fight outbreaks, and champion universal healthcare. From coordinating COVID-19 response to eradicating diseases like polio, the WHO acts as a shield against health threats, ensuring everyone, everywhere can live healthier, safer lives.

UNESCO : English

UNESCO, the world's orchestra of education, science, and culture, harmonizes global progress by promoting understanding, safeguarding heritage, and fostering innovation. They build bridges between nations through education, champion diverse cultures, and empower scientific advancement, weaving a rich tapestry of shared humanity for a more peaceful and sustainable future.

UNODC : French

UNODC, the guardian of justice amidst a world of threats, stands as the United Nations' frontline against drugs and crime. It works relentlessly to dismantle criminal networks, protect victims, and uphold the rule of law. From tackling illicit drug trafficking and corruption to combating human trafficking and terrorism, UNODC empowers nations to build safer and more just societies.

FAO : French

FAO, the world's breadbasket, weaves a brighter future where hunger is banished. It battles food insecurity, champions nutrition, nurtures sustainable farming, empowers rural communities, and cultivates a resilient food system for generations to come. From fields to forks, FAO sows the seeds of hope for a food-secure and peaceful world.

ECOSOC : French

ECOSOC, the United Nations' social architect, designs a blueprint for a better world, where prosperity and justice intertwine. It orchestrates global efforts to tackle poverty, protect human rights, and champion sustainable development. By coordinating a symphony of UN agencies, governments, and civil society, ECOSOC weaves a tapestry of progress, ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of a brighter, more equitable future.

UNHRC : French

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), a beacon of hope within the United Nations, shines a spotlight on human rights violations and champions global justice. It serves as a vigilant watchdog, investigating abuses, amplifying the voices of the oppressed, and holding states accountable to their commitments. Through its independent experts and tireless advocacy, the HRC strives to weave a world where dignity and equality thrive, where every voice matters, and where justice prevails.

African Union : 1 committee

The African Union, a vibrant mosaic of nations, fosters continental unity, peace, and progress. It mediates conflicts, drives economic integration, invests in human development, protects the environment, and amplifies Africa's voice on the world stage, weaving a brighter future for all its people.

Arab League : 2 committees

The Arab League, a vibrant tapestry of Arab nations, stitches cooperation across borders, champions peace and development, strengthens global dialogue, and safeguards cultural heritage, weaving a brighter future for the region.

Ibero-American Summit : 3 committees

Spanning continents, the Ibero-American Summit bridges nations through collaboration, fostering economic growth, social wellbeing, and cultural exchange. From bustling Latin America to ancient Iberia, it weaves a tapestry of progress, enriching the lives of all Ibero-Americans.